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          發(fā)布時間:2015-02-22   來源:中華康網   
        眾所周知,過去我們診斷銀屑病關節(jié)炎主要用二十世紀70年代英國頒布的Moll & Wright診斷分類標準,因該標準未在不同人群中測試,敏感性和特異性較低。目前國際上普遍采用CASPAR(Classification Criteria for the Study of Psoriatic Arthritis study)診斷分類標準,該標準是由31個專家聯盟制訂的,并在588例銀屑病關節(jié)炎患者和536例其他炎性關節(jié)炎患者中進行了驗證,其診斷敏感性和特異性分別達91.4%和98.7%,特在此推出:



          1. 銀屑病:(a)由合格健康專業(yè)人員確定目前存在銀屑病皮疹或頭皮疾病和/或 (b)從患者或合格健康專業(yè)人員獲得的銀屑病病史和/或(c)患者提供的其第1級或第2級親屬有銀屑病史。



          4.指(趾)炎:(a)目前整個指(趾)腫脹和/或 (b)由合格健康醫(yī)學人員記錄的指(趾)炎史

          5.放射線有關節(jié)鄰近新骨形成證據: 手或足X線片上顯示關節(jié)間隙附近有模糊骨化(但排除骨贅形成)


          附原文:CASPAR Diagnostic Criteria of PsA:

          Established inflammatory musculoskeletal disease(joint, spine or entheseal) with three or more of the following:

          1. Psoriasis: (a) current psoriatic skin or scalp disease currently present, as judged by a qualified health professional and/or (b) a history of psoriasis that may be obtained from patient, or qualified health professional and/or (c) a history of psoriasis in a first or second degree relative according to patient report.

          2. Nail changes: typical psoriatic nail dystrophy, including onycholysis, pitting, and hyperkeratosis observed on current physical examination.

          3. Negative test for RF.

          4. Dactylitis (a) current swelling of an entire digit and/or (b) a history of dactylitis recorded by a qualified health professional.

          5. Radiological evidence of juxta-articular new bone formation: Ill-defined ossification near joint margin (but excluding osteophyte formation) on plain radiographs of hand or foot.

          Criteria yield specificity 98.7%,  sensitivity 91.4%


          引自:Taylor W, Gladman D, Helliwell P, et al. Classification criteria for psoriatic arthritis: development of new criteria from a large international study. Arthritis Rheum. 2006,54:2665-73.

        溫馨提示:以上資料僅供參考,具體情況請免費咨詢在線專家 立即咨詢